Processing . . .
About FANCard: 
The FANCard is the official ID card of Fanshawe College and is managed by the FANCard Office. The FANCard is the property of Fanshawe College and its use is governed by College policies. The FANCard is proof of identity and may provide access to facilities, access to services, on-campus purchases, photocopying and printing.
How we will use your image:
The digital photo image that you submit via this website will be used to produce your FANCard. By submitting this photo for your student ID you agree this photo may be used for identification purposes within the College such as Campus Security Services, class rosters etc. If you do not accept these terms, please do not proceed with the image submission.

FANCard Regulations:

  • FANCards are the property of Fanshawe College.
  • Lost cards must be reported to as soon as possible.
  • The card holder is responsible for the cost of a replacement card.
  • Do not lend your card to anyone for any purpose.
  • Do not tamper with or deface your FANCard.